Italian Mothers Medal (Fascist)

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Stock No. 530

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Order Italian Mothers Medal (Fascist) Italian Mothers Medal (Fascist) @ £80.00

Medal of Honour For Italian Mother With 8 Bows, (Medaglia D’onore Per Le Madri Di Famiglie Numerose),

The medal was founded in 1939 and awarded to mothers of at least 7 living children (in 1943 the number was reduced to 6) each bow represents a child, medal is textbook example, light white metal construction and struck by the royal mint (Reggia Zecca), The long original ribbon is lightly soiled and has faded, usually Green/Blue, these medals are usually found in fair to poor condition due to the regulation that recipients had to wear them during national holidays, public functions and events, also the metal used to produce the medals deteriorated easily